Java: The Versatile Programming Language

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Java Programming

Java, a programming language developed in the United States by Sun Microsystems (SUN) in 1995, has come of age as one of the most widely deployed, flexible, and valuable instruments in software engineering. Because of its "write once, run anywhere" philosophy, Java provides for programming in which code may be written once and run on all platform with the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Because of its multiplatform nature it has been implemented in many applications such as web applications, mobile applications, enterprise applications, etc.

The grammar of the Java is the same as the grammar of the C+, and therefore it is, in a sense, a very natural language program (the real to be evoked by the program reader. It is, however, unique in that in addition to being with very high resilience, garbage collection, and a large number of libraries. With the use of these libraries it is possible to automate complex processes, e.g., database access, and graphic user interface (GUI) programing without undue hassle and trouble on the programmer's part.

A significat result of Java has been in the world of Android. Since it is the most widely used programming language in the creation of Android application programs, millions of active programs exist across the globe from Java. Due to the performance and scalability, it has thereof, on account that it is a viable…




Written by AshwinBala_Offi

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